Our ultrasound appt on Monday, August 4th, showed us 2 wonderful things. First, our baby looks healthy so far. Secondly, it looks like we are going to be blessed with a little girl. We are thrilled! Christian still has not grasped the idea of becoming a big brother. Guess he has 18 weeks left to understand. When I ask him what color we are going to paint her room he says, "yellow or blue." So, looks like she will have a yellow room. As far as names....who knows. I thought I had one picked for sure, but now I am finding more names that appeal to me. Guess the best way to name her would be to see her to find out what name fits.
In other news, Jason will be going to school in September. He is working towards getting his Mate's license. I am so proud! He does such a wonderful job supporting us. I will be leaving work to stay at home with the kids in November, so he will be the sole income.
Christian is growing so fast. He is like a little sponge. He is so smart. He knows his colors and can count to 15. He is always doing silly things. His latest move was the other day in the store. He was riding in the seat of the buggy and starts to stand up. Then continues to shake his bum on the back of the seat and sing, "Dave likes to wear dirty underwear." Of course, from his favorite movie "Alvin and the Chipmunks". It was too cute. His vocabulary just amazed me. He doesn't talk like a typical 2 year old. He is ALWAYS practicing though (He never shuts up. Even talks in his sleep.), so it does not surprise me.